You know you're addicted to your Fitbit when . .

Fitbit addiction is real. It sounds stupid to non-Fitbit owners. How can it make you walk more, because surely it is just like a pedometer? Once you own one for youself though, you'll never look back . . .

1. It was bright pink when it first arrived. Now it looks grubby and dull like in the picture.

2. Challenges are life.

3. Beating that person in your Fitbit challenge is your life's goal.

4. Leaving your Fitbit at home is total devastation. You can actually add your steps manually but they don't count towards challenges!

5. Walking round and round the house to meet your goal or more importantly beat someone in your challenge is completely normal.

6. You know exactly how many steps you can get from each lap round the house. (I get 100 in my flat).

7.  You walk up and down each and every single aisle of the supermarket even though you only went in for a packet of pasta, because an extra 500 steps is everything!

8. You don't care that your Fitbit looks like an electronic tag from the police.

9. You get up an hour earlier in the morning just so you can get half of your daily step target in.

10. It doesn't matter if there's wind, rain or sleet outside. You're Fitbit doesn't know that and a target is a target.

11.  You march on the step when washing up, waiting for the kettle to boil or cooking. In fact anytime you are standing upright is a stepping opportunity.

12. When you've had a bad step day but insist on making up 7,000 steps in the house despite it hurting your feet and knees.

Which of these apply to you? What crazy ways do you ensure you meet your target?

Want to read more about my quest to get fit walking?
The reasons i'm taking up walking
Update on 10,000 steps

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